Friday, October 8, 2010

Joe & Cheryl

I've know Cheryl for a few years now, and she continues to impress me with her joy. Whenever I introduce her to friends, they walk away asking me, "Is that really how she is ALL the time?" :) They ask because Cheryl's smile GLOWS. Her energy is so genuine and obvious, it leaves an immediate impression on someone. My answer to to my friends' question? "Uhh.. yes. What you just experienced is the real Cheryl." When Cheryl told me she started dating Joe, I asked my many questions, filled with interest and in partial defense of my sweet Cheryl. Upon meeting Joe, I was convinced. C texted me the night J proposed with infinite exclamation marks and smiley faces. The NEXT day, we had 329487 wedding magazines spread all over my bedroom floor, bookmarked with post-its.

Photographing Joe & Cheryl was a BLAST. We went on Tech campus where Joe proposed and reenacted the proposal, hiked and made our way to Atzlan Park, then on to Keva Juice which is their "place" (I'd like to take a moment to give myself full credit for introducing Cheryl to Keva Juice), and then lastly, to the famous yellow wall. Their wedding is next summer with greens and yellows, and I'm so excited! Congratulations on your engagement "Jeryl"! I love you guys muchly and am excited to see you two glorify Him as one come July. :)

There's the "glowing smile".


Fall leaves! :)




Yes. This is Joe giving Cheryl bunny ears while taking pictures. LOVE THEM.




I found a hot pink and yellow leaf and HAD to photograph it. SO cool.




"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!" Shortly after this picture, Cheryl trips and states, "Man, walking is so hard sometimes."


Leprechaun Lime & Ragin' Raspberry pleeaaase.




Here's a little video for your enjoyment. :)

1 comment:

Joe said...

Betsy you are so sweet, I love the pictures! By the way the color looks great in the second picture ;)